President Yang Attends the Memorial Event “From Red Star over China to China Construction – Telling China Story Well & Making Its Voice Heard”

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On January 12th, 2022, President of Shanghai Institute for International Strategic Studies (SIISS) Yang Jiemian was invited to attend the Memorial Event “From Red Star over China to China Construction – Telling China Story Well & Making Its Voice Heard” and gave his guest speech “Making a New Prospect of International Communication under the Inspiration of Song Qingling”. This event was hosted by China Welfare Institute.


Vice Chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee and Chairman of China Welfare Institute Wang Jiarui attended the event. President of Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) Lin Songtian (video), President of Shanghai People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries Chen Jing, and Vice Chairman, Party Secretary and Secretary General of China Welfare Institute Zhang Xiaoming gave their respective speeches.


Participants also included Xing Jianrong, Acting Deputy Director of Shanghai Archival Society, former Deputy Director of Shanghai Archives; Wu Jingping, Professor of History, Fudan University; Andy Boreham, foreign experts of Shanghai Daily and director of the Documentary Following Rewi Alley; Gui Yonghao, Acting Deputy President of Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association, former Acting Deputy President of Fudan University, and former President of Shanghai Medical College; He Liliang (video), wife of former Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and former Chairman of China Welfare Institute Huang Hua; Hu Baomin, President of China Today Magazine (video).


2022年1月18日 21:00