Four Opinions on Post-Pandemic World Order
Jiemian Yang
Recently the post-Pandemic world order has increasingly become a topic of discussion among the scholars and experts of the world. There are some schools of thoughts on this topic. On the one end, it holds that the post-Pandemic world order will be totally different from that of the pre-pandemic. On the other end, it holds that the pre-pandemic world order would serve as bases for the post-pandemic one because the basic elements existed before but will see greater developments. In my opinion, we should not only focus on whether the world order will see continued changes or completely different changes, but also work at the scenarios on the world order would evolve. According to some of our video discussions before, several general pictures are emerging.
First, China, the United States and other major players should play roles in the overall process of reforming the old and building up a new world order.
Second, the new world order might be of the features of group leadership, sector/thematic order building and supporting regional organizations.
Third, for the years leading to the new world order, it should be problem or issue oriented. Sufficient efforts should be made to identify and work at traditional, non-traditional and their combination, such as the compounded effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Last but not least, we must give greater attention to those that were neglected elements such as culture/civilization factors, the non-state actors, and the enhanced roles of science and technologies, etc.